But firstly we are thrilled to welcome three new members as regular posters to the Hoydens. All these ladies have been guest posters over the past year so they will be familiar to you all. So in no particular order allow us to introduce:

K Robinson is published in the historical fiction, nonfiction, and inspiration
genres, and has edited and contributed to a variety of other books and
magazines during her career as a writer and editor. Mary Dyer Illuminated
and Mary Dyer: For Such a Time as This are her first novels. To follow
her research in 17th-century England and New England, or to contact
her, visit http://ChristyKRobinson.com
Andrea Zuvich,
aka The Seventeenth Century Lady, lives in a small town in England. She
is a full-time historian, author of historical fiction set in the 17th
Century, and often gives lectures about the Late Stuart period, in which she
specialises. Originally from Philadelphia, Zuvich grew up in Florida with a
keen interest in Early Modern European history. She was one of the original
developers of and guides on the Garden History Tours at Kensington
Palace. Find out more about Andrea at The
Seventeenth Century Lady Website

Jo Ann Butler, author of
The Reputed Wife and Rebel Puritan, was born during the
twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany, when Teutonic myth destines her to
become a werewolf. In the meantime, she has been a colonial archeologist,
genealogist, home health therapist, executive dogsbody, and a computer jockey
in San Diego’s aerospace industry. Now Ms. Butler is an essayist and historical
novelist. What comes next – besides lycanthropy?
We are looking forward to their future posts.
And for the battle hardened veterans?

MARY SHARRATT goes from strength to strength with her critically acclaimed recent release ILLUMINATIONS: A NOVEL OF HILDEGARD VON BINGEN winning the 2013 Nautilus Gold Award: Better Books for a Better World.

ALISON STUART's late 2012 release, the World War One paranormal romance GATHER THE BONES went on to become an Amazon best seller and to gather award nominations in five major awards during 2013. In 2013 she released a short time travel romance with an English Civil War setting SECRETS IN TIME (currently on sale at Amazon until 14 December). In January 2014 CLAIMING THE REBEL'S HEART, an English Civil War set historical romance based (very, very loosely) on the siege of Brampton Bryan castle will be released.
If you are looking for some good holiday reading, there are some wonderful options here...
The Hoydens thank their readers for all the support during 2014 and wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday season.