This week we are delighted to welcome GINA BLACK as a guest blogger on Hoydens and Firebrands. Gina has always been a lover of European History and is the author of a romantic tale of highwaymen and revenge set in 1663 - THE RAVEN'S REVENGE.

"Then let them have tea," you interrupt no doubt afraid I'm going to start
bombarding you with Boring Historical Facts.
"Sorry," I respond.
"They didn't have any of that either."
"Whatever did those poor
people drink?" you wonder reluctantly, glad you weren't around those
smelly, caffeine-deprived people. You take another sip of your morning cuppa.
"They started out the day with
"But isn't ale
alcoholic?" You make a small chortle. "It gives a whole new spin to
the phrase Jolly Olde England doesn't it?"
"Well, as I understand it, ale
in those days was thin, weak stuff, and drunk soon after brewing, not the
strong drink it is now."
"Sounds nasty," you say.
"Not as bad as the water. That
was far too dirty to drink. It was much safer to drink something that had been
brewed, and so ale was it."
You shake your head and drain your
coffee mug, wondering how people ever survived without coffee, thinking of a
time when the choice wasn't between French Roast and Guatemalan and when Free
Trade or organic didn't matter.
Then--seeing my opening--I proceed
to tell you all about it. Having written a paper about this back in my college
days and being so impressed with the import of The Bean to England, I
researched it again and included references to coffee in my book, The Raven's
Revenge. Although my story was set in 1663
before coffee drinking was widespread, the hero had come back from parts east
so he knew about coffee.
While some people might think that
coffee arriving in England has about as much drama as a new Starbucks opening
up in their neighborhood, it actually heralded a New Age: the age of the Penny
University, for that was what coffee houses came to be called.
The first coffeehouse in England
was opened in Oxford in 1650. The first one opened in London two years later in
St. Michael's Alley in Cornhill. The proprietor was Pasqua Rosée, a man who has
earned his place in history.
Whereas taverns and ale-houses were
rough and rowdy places, coffee houses were not. They were democratic in nature
(read the rules reprinted below) and places of intellectual discussion and
debate. The reason they were called Penny Universities is that for the
price of a penny a man (yes a man--this was the seventeenth century
after all) could gain entrance, get his cup of coffee (some doctors even
prescribed it for rheumatism and other ills) and either read or--if he couldn't
read--someone would read the newspaper to him.
The proliferation of coffee houses
coincided with a rising middle class. By 1700 there were probably over 2000
coffeehouses in London. Even the plague and the Great Fire failed to lessen its
Several important institutions had
their origins in the English coffee house. Stockbrokers used to meet at
Garraways which became the London Stock Exchange. And Lloyd’s had its
origins in the coffee house owned by Edward Lloyd, where ship owners, captains
and merchants came to discuss the latest shipping news. Later, Lloyds
became a place for obtaining marine insurance.
So, next time you sit down with
your latte and laptop, the earphones of your MP3 player tucked into your ears,
think of the famous poet Dryden a fixture at Wills, expounding to a rapt
audience. Not quite the same thing, now, is it?
\Enter, sirs, freely, but first, if
you please,
Peruse our civil orders, which are
First, gentry, tradesmen, all are
welcome hither,
And may without affront sit down
Pre-eminence of place none here
should mind,
But take the next fit seat that he
can find:
Nor need any, if finer persons
Rise up for to assign to them his
To limit men's expense, we think
not fair,
But let him forfeit twelve-pence
that shall swear:
He that shall any quarrel here
Shall give each man a dish t' atone
the sin;
And so shall he, whose compliments
So far to drink in coffee to his
Let noise of loud disputes be quite
Nor maudlin lovers here in corners
But all be brisk, and talk, but not
too much;
On sacred things, let none presume
to touch,
Nor profane Scripture, nor saucily
Affairs of State with an irreverent
Let mirth be innocent, and each man
That all his jests without
reflection be;
To keep the house more quiet and
from blame,
Nor can allow of wagers, that
Five shillings, which ofttimes do
troubles breed;
Let all that 's lost or forfeited
be spent
In such good liquor as the house
cloth vent,
And customers endeavour, to their
For to observe still, seasonable
Lastly, let each man what he calls
for pay,
And so you 're welcome to come
every day.
To find out more about Gina and her books, visit her WEBSITE.