
Friday, 14 November 2008


A list of Websites and Blogs covering all aspects of the 17th century and related subjects

17th Century Life and Times
An English Civil War Re-Enactor Website

Samuel Pepys' Diary
The ten year record of the life of this famous English civil servant

17th Century Costumiers Manifesto
From English Military History, Uniforms, Costumes and Trivia

English Civil War and The Protectorate
A comprehensive website with detailed accounts of the causes, effects, the Cavaliers, Roundheads and Battles of this period of English History

History and Women

Wonderful, Wanton, and Wild women of history

Writing The Renaissance
Bringing Sixteenth Century France to Life Through Historical Fiction – a blog by author Julianne Douglas

Historical Novel Review
A book review blog of historical novels of all eras – A blog by Mirella Patzer

Historical Tapestry Blog
The Blog of a group of readers who love Historical Fiction set in all eras

American Women in History
Prominent women from American history

17th Century Living History Village
Little Woodham, portraying life in an English village in 1642

Wonders and Marvels
Interesting Scientific Discoveries of the 17th Century – a blog by Holly Tucker

Daily Life in 17th Century England
Everyday Trivia and Objects of Life In the Golden Age

American Civil War History
Stories of the conflict between north and south

17th Century Historical Fiction Novels
A comprehensive list of Historical Novels

South Coast Historical Association [US]

Colonial Costumes and Re-Enactment Workshop Website

American Civil War
Another Comprehensive Civil War Site

Executed Today
A chronological list of executions throughout history

Oliver Cormwell Website
The website of the Olivier Cromwell Association

Trifolium Books